Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 3, 2013

April 3rd
  1. Review/Correct W.S.
  2. Finish reading chapter 5.4 (1st period)
  3. Protein Synthesis BINGO
  4. Important dates (write these in your binder reminder): 
    1. IAN due on the day of the test (changed to next Monday) with left sides completed for Chapter 5.4 Parts 1 and 2, Protein Synthesis Lab Part 1 (yesterday), Protein Synthesis BINGO, and Protein Synthesis Lab Part 2. 
    2. Test on chapter 5.4 will be Monday April 8th.
    3. Chapter 5.1-5.3 Test retake on Thursday during tutorial.
    4. We will start chapter 7 on Tuesday April 9th.
    5. Trebuchets due on April 17th.
    6. 5th Period only: 6th Graders are coming on May 10th, 4th Graders: TBA, 3rd graders: TBA
H.W.: Chapter 5.4 rreview worksheet, due tomorrow

Brain teaser (everyone needs to try and write show evidence of trying by writing down their thought processes).

I had a lot of fun putting together the following list of words. Can you figure out the rule I used to develop the list? Once you do, have fun creating your own list!
mount, right, left, roll, mote, lick,
lass, over, rate, aunt, rill, arch,
oral, ever, pine, rice, tip, each,
team, rash, sage, ouch, edge, ray,
earn, any

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